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About Me

Hello! I’m Leslie Stark; professional canine trainer, specialist in behavior management and passionate about both sporting and civil obedience.

I was always a lover of dogs and animals in general, but I became interested in dog education with the first member of the Dobie Team: Boss. I had had Dobermans at home before, but they were more of the typical house dog that walked in the garden and because they had large spaces I hardly went out for walks. When Boss arrived, I was determined to make him an exemplary dog, in some way I told my parents that I would raise the “perfect dog” to show everyone that strong breed dogs can be balanced and manage perfectly in an environment. daily.

As time went by, and as more members joined the Dobie Team, I realized that in the end, no dog was going to be perfect, it could be educated yes, but not perfect, why? Because each dog is truly unique, each one comes into the world with its own attributes and defects and even though we follow the “same path” when educating them, we will see that each one is different, that they come to leave us a message and teach us different things. What we can affirm is that everyone comes to offer us the same love.

My work philosophy is to help you understand about them, to know that just like humans, they have needs, they stress, they feel, they perceive and more. We seek a healthy coexistence, with mutual understanding, where you know how to communicate appropriately and can help your dog in the best way to solve “problems” or improve the bond.

My greatest interest is that your dog learns to manage himself, so that he is able to make the correct decisions in the various situations that he may face in his daily life. I am also a firm believer that good management facilitates obedience, and if you have personal or sporting goals, you should always start with good management.

We prioritize your dog’s overall well-being and consider all aspects of his life. We use methodologies with scientific support, using the LIMA (Least Intrusive; Minimally Aversive) technique and following parameters of the IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants).



Emotional management and positive reinforcement

Do you come across dogs that know commands but don’t know how to handle themselves in everyday situations? o Can’t they get along well with other dogs, people or objects?

Obedience is not synonymous with balance. To have a balanced dog you need it to have the capacity for emotional management, since behavioral problems usually originate from the inability to manage its emotions.

Dogs have a limbic system, which verifies that they have emotions. You must understand him, know how to satisfy his needs, manage the environment in the best possible way in order to help him manage himself better!

I WILL HELP YOU WITH THAT! You will learn how to use positive reinforcement to increase the chances of a behavior being repeated. And make no mistake, positive reinforcement does not mean that there are no limits, just that they must be set through mutual respect.


Teaching to understand it

Well yes, my work philosophy is that for there to be learning, you yourself must get involved and have the interest in helping your own dog.

I am a firm believer that the best way to solve a problem is to help you understand it, to know why it acts that way and what the real cause and origin of the problem is.

The idea is that you yourself can be able to guide him/her in the correct way, that the learning is useful so that you do not depend on my help forever.

The main beneficiary of your learning will be your dog.


The link as the basis of everything

One of my favorite phrases, because I really believe that without a bond you have nothing.

Let’s define the bond as the relationship you have with your dog, the trust and mutual respect that must exist, bilaterally, on both sides. Somehow the connection we achieved with them.

The theory of dominance or the “alpha roll” has already been denied by its own creator, you do not need to be the “alpha”, you need a good bond, which allows you to exercise limits through mutual respect and trust and not intimidation.

In some way, you must be his guide, his emotional support and the one who teaches him to grow towards balance.

What our clients say